Thursday, July 16, 2020

A Midnight Swim

Photo Credit: Rebecca Johnson
Night Falls at the Shuswap
Bonnie: Anyone of you women in for a midnight swim?

Arta: Absolutely not.

Mary: I already took a swim today.

Miranda: It takes me too long to warm up when I take an after-dark swim.

Bonnie: Well, that was three definite no’s.  The sky is beautiful.  The water is still.  But all I get is three no's.

~ Arta 


  1. Truth be told, and my apologies to the feint-of-heart, but the offer was to join me for skinny dipping. Mary and Arta didn't show any sign of surprise at the offer. Miranda gave me the amused smile I was looking for.

  2. What I like about an event like that is there is always someone who says that the water is too cold and they want their swimming suit on to keep them warmer.


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