Tuesday, June 25, 2013

100,000 Tree Club

"This year I get a new t-shirt."
I have a closet full of old t-shirt. Whenever someone is through with theirs I say, “Hey, I will take it. I can garden in it.”

 If I have another lifetime, I will never be able to wear out the t-shirt I have received this way with the hope of gardening in them.

Still, I saw another t-shirt that I want. I asked
Connor if I could have  it when it is worn out. This one says, I have planted 100,000 trees.

"Connor. I want that t-shirt. Or buy me one like it at work.”

Logo: Foreant Arbores: May the trees flourish
“That is what Glen said. If he could wear a t-shirt like this, it will give him a lot of credibility when he is out in the bush trying to solve forestry complaints.This t-shirt is really old. This year I will get one that says ‘I have planted 400,000 tree’”.

I hope to get that one as well for my old t-shirt collection.


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