Sunday, November 8, 2020

Alone with My Thoughts

Each time I draw the rake over the ground, new rocks
pop up in the place I have just finished raking.
A mysterious phenomenon know also to others
who have tried to find soil while raking a house that
is constructed on a gravel pit.
This picture is taken from the corner of the cabin moving down
over that small patch of grass and then through the Douglas Firs.
The tracto makes a cameo appearance at the lots edge.
I usually like to be alone with my thoughts when I am doing mindless physical work, rather than turn on the radio or have a TV programme going on in the background.

This is also true when trying to beat the snow that is coming on Tuesday by getting every possible rock pick up from the new landscaping between lots 3 and 4.

One twentieth of the new landscaping is mine, and 19/20th is Richard’s, so in the spirit of good neighbour, my rake strays over to land between us, their place, which is beginning to look more like a golf course to me, rather than less than 50 yards between us.

Because I can think so fast, I can run through a lot of thoughts just in one small sweep of the rake.

So I have turned to Spotify to make the time pass.

Diana Krall singing.

Me humming along.

A great life.



  1. i am loving all these posts so much. but why are you working on YOUR writing instead of on MINE?!

  2. I wish I were even working on MY writing. So many ideas and thoughts. And so little time to write them.

  3. I have a lot of thoughts and no interest or will to write them down.

  4. Yes to there being a lot of thoughts that can go through my mind was well -- with no interest or will to having to write them down, and sometimes knowing that those thoughts that I am having, come to everyone -- so why share them. That is the biggest piece that stops me. Though sometimes, even knowing that, I am still out writing those trival-to-others, but remarkable-to-me thoughts.


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