Sunday, January 17, 2021

When your teen asks if they can make dinner -- there is only one response

Yesterday Rhiannon asked me if they could make dinner.  Of course I rushed right out to the grocery store to buy the ingredients.  Potatoes, pepperoni, mozzarella, and pizza sauce.

Slice the potatoes, but done go through the bottom, so the slices will fan out.  Rhiannon came up with this great idea to put down two wooden spoons so they wouldn't cut all the way through the potatoes

Drizzle on a litte oil and season with salt and pepper.  Bake for an hour at 350.

Take potatoes out of oven and insert pepperoni between each slice.

Dog sits patiently hoping a piece of pepperoni will fall to the floor.

 Spread pizza sauce on top.  Be generous.

Top with shredded cheese.  If there is someone in your family who doesn't like pepperoni, try inserting a few slices of cheese into the potatoes.

Bake for another 15-20 minutes.  Perfection.

It smelled amazing.  Rhiannon said to me "Its surprisingly satisfying making dinner for your family."

Now for the confession:  it was getting late when we started making the potatoes.  I thought if we baked them on a higher temperature we could get away with baking them for less time.  So I put them in at 400 for less time.  And I didn't really check to see how soft they were before we put the pepperoni in.  So our potatoes were slightly crunchy.  Still eadible, but it was very disappoiting becasue they smelled and looked perfect.

It was extremely disappointing to Rhiannon.

We may have to make them a second time tonight to get it just right.


  1. I forgot to say, thanks for the cooking photography. Nicely done!

  2. We did make them a second time. This time after I sliced the potatoes i microwaved them for 3 minutes. Then into the oven at 350 for 1 hour. They turned out great.

  3. Three minutes each? Or 3 minutes for the 5 of them?

  4. Love this idea!!! Also maybe Par boiling would also work and then baking.


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