Sunday, January 31, 2021

Azul: Summer Pavilion - the game of choice

January 23, 2021

Rebecca likes to play board games and she will play them every night if she can find someone in the house who is a willing player. 

For her, the game is a gentle relief from a day in the academy.

I am more of a reader, but a game is social diversion, so I have just decided to devote part of my life to playing Azul: Pavilion. She wins every time when there are two of us. When Duncan joins in, then the winners are Duncan-Rebecca-Arta.

I am accustomed to coming third which could be a highly sought-after place if there were more than three of us playing. I think my Grandmother, Edna Pilling, used to call that place at the end, “sucking the hind tit”.

The competitive edge of me surged after so many losses. I went out to You Tube to see if I could find some tricks on how to win at Azul: Summer Pavilion. There were some 12 to 15 minutes uploads, so I read one, and then another. They mostly told how to set up the game, and how to play it; they didn't have that last piece--how to strategize better than the other players, which I suppose is the purpose of the game -- to let you have the fun of trying to win-- not going straight to the end of game and finding out the tricks and tips to advantage myself over other players, which is what I want to do.

When we begin to play, I always say, ”Oldest player goes first.” I read in the rules that the youngest player goes first which is going to be good for Rebecca, but not for me.  In this case, a little less reading would have helped my game.

Last night was the first time I have ever won. When all the points were counted, I was one point ahead of her. What doesn’t count is that on my last move she showed me how to get three points more. If she had she kept that secret to herself she would have been the winner.

Is it a fact that the person who shares their knowledge is really the winner.


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