Sunday, January 12, 2020

10 Years of Blogging

Christmas 2020 - Gingerbread house at the Jarvis Home
I was curious as to how long I have been blogging.

The first ones occurred in December, 2009.

Now I have circled around the globe 10 times while typing for I have reached 2020.

One of the first times that I got some pictures into the blog was in December when Catherine and her family were making ginger bread houses.

A perfect job!
Now we have come full circle for her – ten years of gingerbread houses.

The technique has been mastered and now all of the joy is in being creative – a gingerbread house that they haven’t done before.

I didn’t ever make that a tradition, though I do remember defaulting to using graham crackers for the walls and just adding the royal icing and any kind of candy, usually something left over from Halloween that no one would eat.

Hello from Thomas, Hebe, Eric and Rebecca
I do remember the downside of making gingerbread houses: icing everywhere.

On the sides of the table, on the legs of the table, on the seats of chairs, on the floor, and in towels and wash clothes.

There are some traditions where the downside is never named, because it is only there for the clean-up crew, which is usually the same person who likes to keep the tradition going.

She is also the person behind the cameral here.


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