Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Cheesies at Grandmother's

From Mary

... the best size ever ...
Have you ever looked in all the cupboards at your grandma’s house looking for treats?

Since we had polished off all the chocolate in the candy basket with Uncle Richard the night before, we were searching for something new.

Rhiannon found Arta’s stash of Hawkins Cheesies.

We have only ever had the small bags of them.

Hello, I am speaking through my Cheesie telephone
She had the big bag of Cheesie that can be purchased at London Drugs.

And of course, it had been on sale.

We opened it up and Rhiannon for the biggest Cheesie either
 of us had ever seen.

It was as big as her hand.

... wow and wow again !!!
We thought it could even pass as a telephone.



  1. Hawkins Cheezies are the best. Even better if you keep them in the freezer - crunchier and tastier.

  2. Yes, Hawkins Cheezies are the best. I had no idea they could be improved by freezing them. I think this is also true of a Mars Bar: improved by freezing. My next bag of Hawkins is going in the freezer.


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