Saturday, October 10, 2020

A Thoughtful Birthday Gift


... Bonnie and Arta starting another walk ...

There is no use dressing-up for this walk.

Bonnie and I expect to see no one, if that is the reason people dress up.

I grab a sunhat, stop at the top of the driveway for a photo shoot and proceed to the fork in the road where we ask each other, "Who is setting the destination and the pace today?"

Now is not the moment to be creative.  I pretty well know the paths to take -- now that the bears are walking the roads as well.

I take the safest path, since I still haven't purchased bear spray.  

That might be a good present for Bonnie's birthday tomorrow.  A good present for her (and me).  "Always buy gifts that should be shared," I think to myself.

... 4 well loved chickens ...
Bonnie and I stop for moment at Shauna's house for her chickens are on the porch, waiting for her to come out. 

Of course, she has gone to work already, but they hang out there still.

Having learned to love the chickens in the summer, Bonnie wants to stop and take a picture -- probably just to document that they live. 



  1. ah, sweet chickens! Eggs for the cake?

  2. I haven't gone up to David's and Shauna's to see if they are selling eggs from the chickens yet. Wouldn't it be great to have an Egg Lady living just a few houses away from me?


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