Friday, December 11, 2020

Homemade Gummy Bears and Dinos

 Naomi and Rhiannon know how to work their mom.  When they find something on-line that they want to buy them come to me with a proposal that buying it for them will allow them to have sibling bonding time.  I fall for it everytime.

So recently, we purchased some silicone gummy bear molds on-line -- they come with eye droppers (think mini turkey baster) for filling the tiny pockets.

They found a recipe online (using jello powder and gelatin) and tried it out but decided while the texture was right, the flavour didn't seem quite strong enough.  Still super fun to eat.  However, Naomi decided to keep them in her room, forgot about them, and a week later found them growing green hair.  

So a new recipe was found that includes citric acid to enhance the flavour of the jello powder, a preservaitive to stop the hair growth, and some corn syrup to enhance texture.  

Dissolve all the ingredients, but try not to boil or stir too much because these creates foam and bubbles.

And voila! Into the fridge to cool and solidify.

Now Naomi has bears in a few different places in the house to see how the preservative works.  Some are staying in the fridge, and there is one on my kitchen window sill.  ?????


  1. Oh, sweet candy-making traditions. And Jello made useful! So glad you bought the moulds, Mary. That is not money gone to waste. My guess is that you will try this one more time. Please up-date me on any new learnings,

  2. hair mold..... yummy! (said in the voice of Homer Simpson)


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