Thursday, December 17, 2020

What Candy Can You Make with Honey?

 We were gifted a veeeeeery large bucket of honey from a friend of Leo's (probably 2-3 litres).  His parents are getting older and trying to work their way through some of their food storage.  I think they may have a oil barrel full of honey in their basement. Nice dark, intense flavoured honey. Anyway, that is another story.

This story is about Naomi remembering we have that bucket of honey and deciding to make honey toffee to gift her friends this holiday season.  She looked up a recipe, then asked me if we had a candy thermometre.  We did not, but I went right out to Bulk Barn and bought her one.

I told her if she needed help, I knew a little bit about making caramels and toffees. She didn't want help so I left her to it.

She didn't need my help at all.  Perfect soft toffee the first time she tried.  Must be in her genes.

I have never made toffee by just boiling down honey.  It is intense --  like maple taffy.  But oh, so delicious.

She also decided to try making honey sponge toffee.  I think she's going to need to boil it to a little higher temperature next time.  It's pretty sticky (I almost pulled a tooth out eating it).  But still delicious.  Love the flavour that little bit of baking soda gives this candy.

1 comment:

  1. I've never made candy with honey. I can't cook this season but would love to read the recipes and think about all of the steps.


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