Thursday, December 17, 2020

Lethbridge Wildlife

 I never get sick of seeing deer in the city here in Lethbridge.  

This morning I walked out of my house with my two dogs and looked up and saw this. A young Mule buck -- or as I have learned to call them from Richard, a mulie. Can you spot him in this photo with the sun shining in your eyes?

The dogs started barking and lunging like crazy.  So of course I tried to fish my phone out of my pocket and get some nice pictures of the event.

The mulie didn't move until we started to walk past him.  Then he did one of those crazy cartoon departures, spring/hopping off with all four feet off the ground. 

1 comment:

  1. I found the mulie in the first picture. Yay me! There are lots of electric and wire deer decorations. How unusual to have the real thing in your yard.


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