Thursday, January 17, 2019

Emails for trees in Melbourne, Australia

Glen sent me a link from Melbourne, Australia.

Dear trees outside my UVic window,

I see the wind whispering through your boughs today.
I think you are familiar with the breeze that caresses your branches?
I believe they whisper sorrows from across the Pacific?


People are emailing letters to the trees.

I so enjoyed reading the letters and am passing the link on.

When I was finished, I had to take a picture out of the window from the office where I am working.


PS  I don't have the trees' emails yet but I have exchanged kind word with them many times.

1 comment:

  1. I loved it too. I had to settle into it. Calm myself. Stop clicking buttons here and there -- delete, save, click on this link, click on that one, hurry on. That is my way in the internet. But this was a caming vitual walk through the woods. And I noticed how out of the moment I was just a few screens in. Take time. Settle down. Talk to the trees.


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