Sunday, January 20, 2019

Old and older photos

Moiya is busy deleting old photos.  So why did she send some on to me, rather than just delete it.

I hate to see this one pass out of my memory forever,  for it is a picture of the Johnson cabin many years ago when it was just known as the noise-y house.

The same cans and jars are still probably on that ledge though the washing machine is gone.

But the guy working the machine?

My guess is David Wood.

Naming people who are log rolling is different. 

Hard to identify who is on the log and who is one the water, the anchor at the end, giving stability to something that is just not going to happen.

If you think yours is one of the bodies on that log, do leave a note in the comment section.

Thanks, Moiya.  

Now you know what happens to old photos that you passed on.


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