Sunday, June 14, 2020

For Father's Day - #8 A Potpourri of Gags

Wyona and Doral
... after an evening fishing ...
If you knew Doral, you would known these gags:

Did you hear about the cannibal who passed his brother in the bush?

Do you know how to cure a cold?
     If you do nothing about it, a cold takes 14 days to runs its course.
     If you take antibiotics, you can cure it in a fortnight.

Doral would say, “A little boy is going past a fence. He sees a sign. It says, don’t fish here. The little boy says, I don’t know.” (Then we would have to guess the meaning of that riddle.)

What is the best way to stop a baby from bawling?
     Answer: A bust in the mouth

Why do firemen wear red suspenders?
     Answer: To hold their pants up.


(#8 of 15, to be continued)


  1. hahaha! the "don't fish here" joke took me longer than expected to figure out!

  2. I have no idea why he told that joke. It is such a dumb one! But he was often telling it and when he did, it took up all of the space in my mind.


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