Thursday, June 18, 2020

The Hammock and the Slack Line

Miranda and Richard set up the hammock a few weeks ago.  Then yesterday, Miranda set up the slack line beside the hammock.  I sat in the hammock for about 1 minute.  Just long enough to settle in and take a couple of photos.


I was immediately joined by 3 little people.  My moment of tranquility had passed.  Onto a more exciting adventure.

While the kids played in the hammock, I took the opportunity to take a few photos of a flower I hadn't seen yet this season.

1 comment:

  1. This must be a new triangle hammock. I haven't seen that one before. And we have 2 or 3 other single person hammocks as well. When all are put up in the forest, it will be fun to go there and read with friends!

    The tiger lily is just beautiful as well. So small and wild. I am always afraid to walk on them but there is no way to get around crushing a few underfoot.


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