Sunday, June 21, 2020

Rebecca Jarvis: Reasons Why I Love My Dad

My dad: G. Eric Jarvis
Some reasons why I love my Dad…

1.     He sometimes comes into my room to help me with homework or ask me about my day, but often ends up falling asleep on my bed (which always makes me laugh).
2.     He read us Harry Potter every night before bed when we were kids (with attempted accents included)
3.     Setting aside time for date nights every week even though he was very busy with work and church callings.
4.     His laugh—it’s contagious. When he laughs, I end up laughing too.
5.     Dad waking up at 5:00 a.m 3 times a week to drive me down the street for my early morning shift.
6.     His sense of humour—he probably makes me laugh more than anyone in our house.
7.     He never hangs up the phone first. Sometimes I wait and see how long he’ll stay on the line before deciding to hang up the phone, but my patience always runs out before his does.
8.     He is dedicated to the things he believes are important—to his work, to the church and to his family.
9.     His passion for music and history that he always tries to share with us, whether it be taking us to the opera, the movies or on trips to new places.
10.  He is conscientious, and always gives 100% effort. I’ve seen him spend countless hours doing research and review papers in order to make sure they are just right. I think that’s something I get from him.

These are just a few of many reasons why I love my Dad. I’m lucky to have him.

~ Rebecca Jarvis


  1. I really like #5 -- Eric's laugh. I think it is contagious as well. And when he is having fun, I like to watch him. He is "all in" and holds nothing back.

  2. He most certainly loves you. I love that you share a common love for history.


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