Thursday, June 4, 2020


I was cleaning up my photo stream, and came across this video clip from a few years back, when Wyona, Greg, Moiya, Dave et al were on a cruise that made a stop over in Victoria!   That meant for their day trip, Arta and I got to spend an afternoon with them (Arta was visiting me at the same time).

Wyona was the one brave enough to get down on the ground to spend time with a fellow lover of "bling".   I love seeing these two 'birds of a feather' flocking together!

1 comment:

  1. I have now run this video three times. Each time I wonder how she just sat down on the curb with such ease.

    I think Wyona is a bird woman. I have seen her run through a flock of doves in Spain and chase the pigeons in Covant Garden.


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