Sunday, June 21, 2020

When I Lost My Dad: A Story About Hebe and Eric

When I lost my dad.

A story about Hebe and Eric.

My dad and I were spending some time together at Universal Studios in Florida.  It was in Jan 2019 to celebrate my mom’s 50th birthday.  

Mom went with the older kids to ride rollercoasters and my dad took me to Dr Suess world.  I wanted to ride the Cat in the Hat.  The ride twirls around so dad couldn’t go on it with me.  He gets motion sick. 

I got on the ride with 2 random stranger boys.  I liked the ride.  It told the story of the Cat in the Hat.  When the ride was done I went to the exit.  The exit led straight into the gift shop.  I couldn’t find my dad in the gift shop so I went outside.  I couldn’t find my dad outside the gift shop either.  I looked around. Dad wasn’t there.  I’d lost my dad.  I went back into the gift shop.  Finally I found my dad.  He was standing there. I passed dad  when I went into the gift shop. 

The end.


1 comment:

  1. You were brave, today, Hebe. You read your story first. The place where you can't find your dad and you need to know where he is? Remembering that is still scary. I can tell.


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