Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Gape in Alice’s Mouth

Alice has her tooth in an envelope for safe keeping by her father.
There is also a note: this is my terde tooth.
 Im gona losse anater tooth.
I did a double take when I saw Alice smile on Saturday.

I knew her tooth was gone, but it seems so different when she flashes that wonderful smile and there is a black spot where that tooth used to be.

I couldn’t concentrate on Chinese Checkers when she would flash that new smile at me.

She came over today with her siblings, each to eat a Haagen Dazs bar and maybe play a few games.
.... Alice's first top tooth to come out ...

I just want to get really close to see the new look.

The Haagen Dazs bars are not that easy to eat.

I noticed that the chocolate breaks off in big hunks when I was eating one a couple of days ago.

So I watched the kids and the same thing happened to them.

One bite and suddenly there is a large flat piece of chocolate, too big to get into ones mouth, and a surprise, since ideally that chocolate would come off with small bites of ice cream.

The chocolate is gone.
Now for eating the ice-cream!
So what gets left, when the chocolate has either fallen to the napkin, or fallen to the floor, or eaten with two fingers as though it were a fine slice of chocolate … what gets left is delicious ice cream on a stick.

But the coating has to be eaten first, since it is not going to stay on the bar.

Betty and Michael must be used to different smile from Alice already for Michael kept his eyes on a cartoon book while he was eating.

Betty busied herself playing with the finger puppets I had found and put out with the Easter decorations.

I have to be careful that I don’t buy more decorations.

Life at its best: Michael with a comic book and an ice cream bar.
I have so many out in the garage – ones that Mary refused to bring in for me. When she was in Calgary helping me she said, "Arta, it is 3 months to Easter. Someone will get them out for you later, but decorating 3 months in advance is just a couple of months too soon.We are going to do other work around here."

 So she held me off on all but one box of decorations which she brought in somewhat against her best judgement.

I do love to put out all of those wax candled Easter eggs, the ceramic salt and pepper bunnies, the wooden tree-hanging rabbits in a canoe, the casserole dish that looks like a hen sitting on a nest.

I love all of the Easter decorations.



  1. I did love seeing your decorations when I was there on the weekend. I thought the little stuffed bunnies in the bowl were so cute. I almost stole them.

  2. Robyn Herrington (now deceased) worked in the library by day. In the evenings she wrote science fiction and she was a glass-blower, as well. One Easter she arrived at work with small packages for everyone, and in the package was one of these bunnies.

    When Easter was over, I went to my friends and acquaintances and asked them what they were going to do with their bunnies. If they had no idea, then I asked if I could add it to the one I had, and soon I had six of them.

    I asked Robyn whatever possessed her to do all of that work. She didn't answer that question, but she agreed that it had been a lot of work and that her mother had helped her stuff some of those bunnies. They are so darned cute. I have already seen Betty playing with them.

    And I think of Robyn ever Easter when I bring them out. She thought her life was shortened because of her glass blowing. She was very young. I think about that, too, when I take out some of my decorations that are done by blowing glass.

  3. Wasn't Rothenburg ob der Tauber a magical place to shop for decorations? I can see us wandering the isles of Käthe Wohlfahrt Weihnachtsdorf, and remember the burden of choice being balanced with the wonder of craftsmanship. I owe many thanks to Wyona and Greg. A Christmas store, but I chose in the end pastel painted tiny wooden Easter bunnies with jaunty hats, shorts, and suspenders.


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