Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thursday for Hansard

Photograph: Catherine Ashmore
Yes, I have been dying to see National Theatre Live's Hansard, but that probably just isn't going to happen this Thursday night for me.  Still the show will go on and many happy viewers will be there to see it.  I checked the show times and it is only at Eau Claire at 7 pm.  As well there is a new film production of Les Mis with English subtitles at 8:40 that night at Eau Claire.

Here is the review of Hansard by Michael Billington, published in The Guardian, should you, like me, at least want to read it.

On other matters, I heard most of the Bates family went to see Gershwin's Porgy and Bess this weekend.  Now that was a family party to a packed crowd, both at the Met and in the theatre.

Yours for more fun through film.


1 comment:

  1. Porgy and Bess was great! So much to talk about.
    Come on Bates family... what did you think?


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