Friday, February 7, 2020

Two Hands on the Walker

Winter Scene of the Shuswap
Painted by Wyona Bates
I had my two week hip replacement appt.

I passed.

I have a precaution for the next 5 weeks: keep two hands on my walker.

Fiona, the physiotherapist, looked me straight in the eye and told me that – twice.

Two hands on the walker.

She must know that I have an impulse to push it to the side and try to walk on my own. I also want to find ways to carry objects all over my house, objects that have been in one place for years and years. Suddenly they need moving.

Mary has been here with me. A godsend. She leaves tonight to take care of her own little family in Lethbridge. She leaves me with chili in the freezer and two different Indian meals, which she says she has cooked enough of that I will get sick of the trays she has put away for me. Hard to believe that could happen. My wash will be done up when she leaves. She has sorted through cupboards with me. She has re-arranged furniture which is going to add to my comfort. Everyone should have a hip replacement with such help.


1 comment:

  1. I want to reply with a clever retort, but my laughter clears my mind each time I read your last sentence.


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