Sunday, February 14, 2021

A Cooking Valentine

Photo credit: Moiiya Wood
When I was young my mother had a book that contained songs a person might sing to a five year old.  Even now when my siblings are in their 60's and 70's, if one of them breaks into a song from that book, the rest remember it.  One of the songs was Oh I have made a Valentine / For a little friend of mine / It's red and white and lacey too, / and opens and says I love you.

Moiya changed the words to the song, and sent me this picture of a Valentine pie.  Someone else gets the real pie.  She wrote
I have made a valentine. For a little friend of mine. It’s pie crust, cream cheese filling, And some strawberry purée and strawberries too. When eaten ... It says I love you.

I will take one of the strawberry pies and one of the apple pies.  That will be one each, Moiya.  

Oh how I wish I still lived near you!

Sending virtual valentines to all,




  1. Eating of these wonderful pies must be a joy! great description Arta!

  2. I've seen the pies Moiya makes. Sometimes the apples are from the trees on the property. She showed me how to lattice an apple pie, and how to make one so delicious with syrup that she thinks she will never make one another way again. Moiya is modest about her cooking, but all of us been invited to sit at her table. The view is the first feast. Then the food that is often grown in her garden. As well, she has fun with the latest appliances -- right now the hot pot. When Covid is over and we can live outside of our bubbles, won't it be fun to walk over to her house the way to the stream or the lake or a bit of wandering through the woods. All of that is worth staying safe now until the vaccinations are done.

  3. Pies are the one thing I really do not enjoy making. So y'all can be the pie queens. I will eat them.

  4. I don't like peeling a bushel of apples, and slicing them and getting the filling ready. That is, unless I have one of those apple peelers from Canadian tire that I can attach to a counter, and then work with a handle. Those make pie making less onerous. I rather like the challenge of making the dough. Moiya does a better job of it than I, but I can't leave all of the pie making to her.


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