Thursday, February 11, 2021

Birthday Cakes - Kelvin's 51st

I offered to look up a recipe for a good birthday cake and send the recipe to Kelvin for his 51st birthday today. 

Richard did me one better in an email which said:
I don't do cakes, but I will make you a whole pan of cornbread if you'd like. 
I will bring it over still warm with a stick of butter.


-I suggest using creamed corn in the recipe. It will have whole kernels in the bread and be even more corny.
-I suggest honey and brown sugar as the sweet in the recipe. (otherwise it's white granulated sugar).
-I suggest the dark yellow corn meal, although the lighter stuff is nice as well.
-I suggest whipped honey butter for the top and a cup of maple syrup on the side.

If my children are involved they will say no to the creamed corn, they do not like the texture change of having kernels in the bread.

If your birthday is tomorrow I will bring it tomorrow, if you prefer for tonight I can deliver 7pm or later.

Please identify if creamed corn is your preference or not.



  1. so.... what kind of cornbread was it?!

  2. I was wondering how the birthday cake turned out as well. I saw that you declined Richard's cornbread as celebratory. Did you go with the Black Forest cake of your dreams? I think Red Velvet Cake ties with Black Forest as cakes of my dreams.

  3. Last year was the fiftieth for Kelvin and Teague. It just seems like yesterday and at the same time ages ago that those two were walking around the lake arm in arm. Happy 51 to Kelvin!

  4. I knew that my children would grow up, but I had no idea that they would grow older. Sometimes I look at them and think, I must be in some movie about the future, for this couldn't possibly be their present. And I do not want to hear what they think when they look at me. When I look at myself I think, hey some of the places on my face could use a little botox.


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