Thursday, February 11, 2021

Moiya's Quilts

If my sisters and I are lucky enough to get on a three way phone call, we sometimes talk about our hobbies.  And if we Zoom, then Wyona can show her new paintings to me and Moiya takes us down to her sewing room.  I asked Moiya to send some pictures of what she has been doing, for in these cases, a pictures is worth a thousand words.

... Monkey Quilt ...
... some of the little patchwork pieces also have monkeys on them ... 

... at work at the sewing machine ...

... king sized quilt on Moiya's bed ...

Salsa Nights

... strips laid out on the basement floor ...

There you have it: the quilts a metaphor for Moiya's beautiful soul. 



  1. I tried to make a patchwork quilt once, out of old fabric, cutting each block the same size. When it came to sewing them together, I could get any of the seams to match up. I took my project to Beatrice Henninger and asked her how I could fix it. She just told me, don't do patchwork. For you -- another kind of quilting. So I always quilted by using the whole piece of yardage as the top of the quilt. My other story like that goes something like this. I tried to learn to crotchet from Evelyn Wright's mom. She told me just don't bother learning. You are holding the needle like a fence post. I will crochet hats and gloves for all of your girls. And she did.

  2. I am born in the year of the monkey so that monkey quilt is mine. I own all the monkey quilts in the world!

  3. When Rebecca and Miles were younger, a popular fad was to make those monkeys from a pair of work socks. I can remember making one, at the very least. As well, there were two other popular toys to make for children. One was a Raggedy-Ann or Raggedly-Andy rag doll, of course. The other set of popular toys to make was the characters out of Winnie-the-Pooh; yes, I made those. I wonder now what happened to the Eeyore donkey. I wonder now what happened to that gloomy, depressed, anhedonic, old grey stuffed animal.


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