Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Good Burn Index

Photo Credit:  Moiya Wood
When Rebecca saw these pictures, at first she thought there was a cloud, a low cloud at the lake.

On second thought it looks like the burning index is just right for some of the slash on the property.

Thanks Moiya, for two great pictures.

This is not quite as good as being there, but still a lot of fun.

Congratulations, Laynie.  

Photo Credit:  Moiya Wood


  1. Wait until you see the burn index on Lot 4

  2. I hope I am there the day of that fire. Yes to watching for the burn index. And I have been thinking about picking up rocks on that property as well. I think I will plant grass, let the grass grow around the rocks, and then gradually pick the stones up all year, instead of trying to do it all within a certain time frame, which I will never be able to do.


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