Tuesday, February 16, 2021

On Plugging in the Jack

I wanted to watch some you tube videos tonight, so I put on my earphones and went to work, taking notes on how to embed pdf files into a wordpress blog. 

I went back and forth, watching a number of videos, taking copious notes. 

After about 20 minutes Duncan came over and taped me on the shoulder, so I took off my earphones. The sound was still the same. 

 That is when I realized I had the earphone on, but I hadn't plugged them in. Nice neighbour, me. 



  1. I like sharing the same space with Duncan, especially since it is such a large space. If I see him going to the fridge downstairs for a Coke, I only have to say and he brings me back one. He walks with a slow deliberate pace unless his friend is coming over so they can walk together outside, in which case he can put on his hoodie and get out of the house with great speed, at least to the door, after which he only casually walks down the sidewalk and meets up with Seth at Seth's pace.

    I don't want to figure out how they do that!


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