Monday, December 16, 2019

LaRue Investments vs Robertson

Signage at the Court of Queens Bench
We have been waiting for court for a long time.
And so the anticipated day came upon us, with much less dread that it had carried some weeks before.

An oppression case against Glen, Moiya, Wyona and me was dropped on Friday even – so there some sweetness there.

And on the heels of that, another case between Darla and Earl was dropped from being joined to ours, to going on its own way – three cheers for that.

Lunch in the Court House
LtoR: Rebecca, Arta, Moiya, David,
Wyona, Marcia, Glen, Janet, Laynie
And on another positive side, Glen began his testimony in court this morning.

Robert Millard took the first half of the morning with an overview of the case and then Glen testified from the morning break at 10:15 am – at least from when the break was over to 12:30. We had lunch in the Court Room Cafeteria.

There is a place for people to eat – bring your own lunch buy something at the salad bar, then find friends to eat with.

This was an easy task with so many of us there who haven’t seen each other for a while.

I loved the moment of the selfie.  Rebecca called "selfie", for one second everyone turned from their food to flash a smile, and then we were back to lunch.  Now that was fun.

Wish you could have all been there. For anyone who works downtown, we will be there at lunch again tomorrow and can always pull up on extra table.



  1. Thank you for the open invitation to come dine with 9 of the finest people I know.

    1. The lawyers did as you might have done -- just joined in on the feast. While none of us had brought food for the others, when it was all laid out on the table, there was enough for Grace Kang, Robert Millard and Grant Vogeli. I think it was Grant who knew to check out what we were eating, before boing to the cafeteria and seeing if he could find food there.

      Yes. A feast for all.


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