Tuesday, July 25, 2017

The Brooks Vacation -- everyone somewhere else

I’m on my own this week.

Xavier, Leo and Rhiannon are camping about 2 hours away while they attend a art camp.

Rhiannon is a participant, and Xavier is a counsellor in training.

Near Peterborough Ontario
Naomi left this morning for her first year at Young Women’s Camp.

She is excited. I think she will have a really good time.

She gets to share a tent with her best friend from church which is fantastic.

I’m going to a Nordic spa tomorrow with Christine.

... another image of the camp ...
I will enjoy a massage while I am there in between floating from hot to cold to warm pools and enjoying the wet and dry saunas.


PS for more about the camp see

And now a note from the blogger, something I rarely do, but when I saw that Mary and Christine were going to a Nordic Spa I went to look at some pictures to put up on the blog.

I didn't choose any.

All of them looked engineered -- exquisite surroundings, young people with immaculate hairdos and clothing etc.  So Mary sent me a picture of where they are going.

Again, one picture, one thousand words.

I guess there are some places as good as the Shuswap.  Maybe even better.  Dave tells me that after the terrible storm a couple of days ago, we need a serious beach clean up.

It looks like that is not the case in the Nordic Spa.

A glimpse of one of the pools at Amerispa in Cantley, Qeubec. 

Mary will be the crazy one standing under the freezing waterfall.  
Christine doesn’t go farther than her ankles into the cold pools.

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