Thursday, July 18, 2019

An Evening Cooking Class

LtoR: Alice Johnson, Ceilidh Johnson
Alice wanted to help Ceilidh roll cinnamon buns.

My preferred time to have started this project would have been earlier, but 7 pm was a good time for Ceilidh to start making the bread dough.

So moving forward, one knows that it is about 8:30 pm at the time of this picture and the dough is just being made into knots.

Alice was pretty much brown sugar and cinnamon up to her elbows by the time I thought she should wash up and head off to bed. 
... some landing upside down, some right side up, all delicious ...

She was rolling the dough in balls, patting it, stroking it and I was saying, "No, Alice.  It has to be tied in knots." 

Then I heard her whisper to herself, "Put one line over the other like an X." 

That is when I figured out that tying a knot is not second hand to someone who is barely six.
LtoR: Gavin Beaulieu and Ceilidh Johnson

Ceilidh did a perfect job right up to the last few seconds.

Instead of letting the gravity bring the buns down from the bottom of the pan as she did the flip, she gave the pan a couple of heavy jerks -- thus a somewhat more country style of presentation.

Still, not bad and a good time had by all, except Alice who had to go to bed before the product was finished.

And a thumbs up from Ceilidh, Gavin, and Duncan


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