Monday, February 4, 2019

No Water

It may be cold but I stopped to take a picture
of these little primroses, facing the
weather, the cold weather here in Victoria.
I woke up this morning to no water in the house. I found this out after I took the morning set of pills which are to be taken without food. I got them in my mouth ad then went to pour the water into the glass. Probably not the best choice of the order I should use, though it has worked for me for a long time.

How can there be no water. Easy. The contractor who did some work outside left one of the pipes exposed and it was cold last night. Below zero.

I knew how cold it was when I went out for my morning walk. Zero celcius is not that cold. But this morning the wind was biting, blowing with a bluster, really. I thought as I walked into the wind, ½ of my walk is going to be going in a direction into the wind. Not good. I turned around and went back home.

I can walk when the wind doesn’t blow.


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