Sunday, May 24, 2015

Nostalia ... continues

... studying travel book as the miles roll by ...
Wyona's words about nostalgia bring back many warm and cherished memories.

At one point in reading her thoughts about London, my memory turned to my hope for Greg.

And that is, that he can keep his camera pointed toward the faces of his loved ones who are having a good time.

A photo which I may never see again but which is sealed into my memory is one he took of Wyona and me when we got to Penzance.
... let's get this window cleaned ...
He was inside the train with the camera. Wyona and I had taken serviettes, towels and water and had got off the train, walked down the platform to the car we were riding in, and we took our cleaning equipment and we were scrubbing off the window. The trip to Penzance has been so wonderful that we wanted it to be even better on the way back, and we made it so by giving a real shine to the window we would be looking out of. The conductor had walked down the platform also, stopping when he got to us and he asked us what we were doing. We told him and said, “I bet you have never seen this before.” He smiled and said, “You are right. This is a first. The passengers cleaning the outside windows of the train.” Then we walked on.

At the same time, Greg picked up his camera inside the train and preserved for us that happy moment, two women giving a shine to what they would see in the next few hours.

Every day ... something that can be nostalgically remembered.


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