Monday, December 17, 2018

Lego Advent Calendar

Rhiannon's Lego Advent Calendar
Rhiannon and her dad are doing lego calendars together for the Advent. 

Rhiannon opens hers, assembles it and then puts it back in the box. 

Today we had a major disappointment.  One of the big pieces was missing.  However, she opened the calendar and took everything out and placed it on the box so that people can see what she has been making.  I would like to send a picture of her doing his calendar, but apparently she will not be ready to have her picture up on the blog until 2025.

I looked at both this lego calendar and the other one when I was at Costco.  I can't remember exactly, but the calendar that Rhiannon is doing has significantly more pieces than the one her dad is doing.

I watched Michael and Alice assemble the easy one, and it didn't look easy to me.


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