Monday, May 24, 2021

#52 - Feed any and all kids who comes into your house - lessons from Arta

Since I love food (as I say in almost every post I do, because inevitable I only blog about food), it was not problem at all for me to adopt this practice of Arta's once I had my own children.

I love it when my kids have friends over and I love to feed them.  I learned from Arta that some flour, yeast and water can go a long way to making a bunch of teens think they are in heaven. Hot bread in less than 2 hours. And if you have some butter, brown sugar and cinnamon on had -- cinnamon buns will easy bestow upon you the crown of best mom ever.

This year for Xavier's 19th birthday, his second celebrated during covid times, four of his friends arranged to come over to hang out in the backyard, play boardgames, visit and have burgers and cake.  The rain interrupted their boardgame, but because everyone has had their first vaccination, we all agreed to move the party inside.

Xavier has loved spice cake for a long time, so I hade made a double layer spice cake with maple icing.  Of course, not complete without vanilla ice cream.

We laughed that even if covid hand't been a factor, Xavier would have still preferred a small group of friends for an informal party, than a big fancy shindig.  So everyone was happy.




  1. I love your text here, Mary, and the photo allowing me to study the faces of this generation of those who have received the sacrament of your baking.


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