Saturday, May 8, 2021

Happy Birthday Arta! Here are slides that were scanned in that include you and/or your family. Others in the family may have better explanations, so please add to this blog entry, I was just a little girl when these were taken (I'm the one in the 01 shirt in the first picture).

Grandpa Doral and grandkids at Shuswap. Arta isn't in this one, but I think all her children are.

Arta is the oldest child. My mom, Wyona, is on the right.

The next few pictures are the kitchen at 1235... that's what my mom calls the house she grew up in.

A family picnic

Here is Arta in Calgary at her home in the blossom tree on her front yard. I wonder how many kids could be packed into their vehicle behind her since this was the days before seatbelts were required.

Beach pictures at Shuswap. Arta was often the organizer of group fun.

Here we are, still at Shuswap, but up at the cabins.

Some family picturess of Grandpa Doral and his children.

Arta and her family.

Arta and her sisters and sister-in-law.


  1. I looked a the second photo on the porch at 1235. Mother Wyora had taken time to braid our hair in French Braids, 3 of us. Look! Just look at all of the sisters working in the kitchen with Doral cutting meat in the background.
    And one photo has Arta with only white bangs and black hair.
    Oh, we should have kept the wringer washer that sat on the back porch. I would love to see the Millenials and Generation Z work a wringer washer.
    I woke up this morning a 6:30 a.m. wanting to find these photos or tell you to send them Marcia and you did it on your own.

  2. And the best pic of all is Arta in her two piece bathing suit. Way to gooooo!!! After how many children?

  3. I love the antlers above the loud cabin. There should be moose paddles there again...

  4. Now that you mention it Richard, I remember those antlers. You are a hunter at heart. Doral Pilling is watching you.


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