Saturday, May 8, 2021

Arta's visit to the Pain and Symptom Management Clinic/Palliative Care Clinic

Anyone who wants to know more about Arta's trip to the Palliative Care Clinic can watch this short video

Pain and Symptoms Management Clinic

During the visit Arta was asked several questions.

I believe the most important question was a question we should all ask ourselves.

"What is most important to you, with the time you have left?"

A profound question to guide our decisions everyday.


  1. This is a question to remember every day. Today the answer is to celebrate Arta's 81st birthday.

  2. Arta, I watched your YouTube video and it hit me very hard that this is too real. Rebecca and Catherine you are two very strong women and I am amazed how much love and support is available in your family. Arta's sense of humor is still intact I see. The pre birthday celebration was amazing and I would have gotten one thing right had you thrown in some Callebaut chocolate. I remember Arta making a cake with Callebaut chocolate and it was 3 different layers of deliciousness with one type of chocolate.... Love to Arta on her birthday... :)

  3. Much love to Arta! Happy birthday:) love from Cheryl

  4. "What is most important to me with the time I have left?" is a great question. I have been thinking about it since I listened to the video report. If all I had left was this next hour, I must face the reality that what I must do with it is nap. I hope I dream of this lovely Mother's Day I have had at the lake.


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