Thursday, May 20, 2021

My Judy Grimes, Kidding Not Kidding.


There was a hilarious comedian who used to do this character.  She would always tell jokes and say just kidding at the end of the joke.  There was never any suspense.

We are doing many letters to Grandma these days and so letters are on everyones mind.  Betty wrote me a letter that she delivered me before bedtime.

I think that it's a christmas card?  Try and read / decipher before you read my interpretation.....

I love you Dad.  I want you to have a happy Christmas.  I was just playing around with you.  But not about the I love yous.  

Happy Halloween!


P.S. AND..... Harmony.

just kidding not kidding.  kidding kidding, not kidding I'm kidding.


  1. I can't even. This is so adorable, and funny and touching. What a great sense of humour. She has worked so hard at her writing. I love the fox sticker. No need for her to sign her name when there is a fox sticker involved.

  2. It was supposed to be peace and harmony at the end.


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