Friday, May 28, 2021

No Self Control

First, start popping the kernels.  Two full bowls aren't really enough, so get the first one full and buttered and salted.  Once that bowl is on the couch with the movie go-ers start a second and at least a third.

The top of the air popper is made to melt butter while the machine is on.  I've always found this not really to work time wise.  The popcorn always finished and the butter hadn't melted, so then we would leave the machine on without popping corn just to finish melting that butter.  Better to just get a pan on the stove and melt as much butter as your heart desires.

The popcorn is salty, and oily, and just perfect to eat while watching a movie.  Since my childhood I was always told by Glen that Hye's brand seasoning salt is un beatable.  It might not be true, but I've never felt the need to test this claim.

The reason that I wanted to write about this tonight is that popcorn is the one thing that Arta has never been able to stop eating.  Ask her yourself, to Arta a mormon punch bowl full of popcorn is a single serving if the movie is right and the lights are dimmed.

And the lights are dimmed.  And the movie is going....  I wonder how much popcorn would get through a juju-bee stent.  endoscopo jujenostomy?  I'm sure that it's wide enough to let SOME popcorn through....


  1. Arta replies: Not one piece of popcorn has entered my mouth. The possible pain is not worth it. I am a quick learner.

  2. Not sure I would try the kernel, but sucking the delicious butter and salt off it sound divine.

  3. Popcorn is something I love too. I am sure I will never get sick of it. Homemade with butter and salt. And yes, everyone needs their own huge bowl. And yes, I have my own weird way of eating it. That is a story for another time.


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