Saturday, May 8, 2021

My earliest memories of Arta

Happy Birthday Arta. 

On the occasion of your 81st birthday, I am recalling my earliest childhood memories of you. 

I arrived at Bow Valley Ward when I was six years old. That’s my first memory of you, welcoming our family to the ward, not having any recollection of our families knowing each other from the school teaching days in northern Alberta.

1. You taught me the ukulele on Tuesdays after school before Primary at the Bow Valley Chapel. I loved that, learning the early American folks songs strumming four strings.

2. In addition to this memorable early music education, I recall your divine ability to know in advance whether the weekly Disney TV show was going to feature a cartoon animation or a movie with filmed actors. I was at the age when a cartoon was the superior choice obviously. So I always valued the tip.

3. I recall you hosting “bitty ball” at the church Saturday mornings. I hated it. I must’ve been going to keep up with Bonnie. I found team sports incredibly stressful.

4. Of course the most enduring memories are all the years I spent in your home and at the lake, the sleepovers, the interesting conversations, all the delicious homemade treats. 

Happy Birthday, big hugs,

Love, Sabynthe


  1. I remember Arta telling me about teaching ukulele lessons. Knowledge passed down to future generations is so Arta.

  2. I love the joy in that 6 year old face. So fun to read your memories from the early 1970s.

  3. Thank you for sharing this Sabynthe. Wonderful writing and that photo is priceless.


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