Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 1 - Photo Shoot with Arta

It won't surprise anyone that Arta like to get dressed for the day as soon as she wakes up.  No lounging around in pajamas.  Especially after almost 3 weeks in a hospital gown.  We decided this morning after choosing a pearl necklace and a silk scarf that would compliment her new glasses, that a photo shoot on Rebecca and Steve's back deck was in order. We did two takes -- changing one thing in the scene, planning to do a "spot the difference" sort of post with both photos. 

I don't know how long any of you spend comparing these two photos, but the joke is on you.  We did one photo shoot on Arta's phone and the other on mine....  and I only have access to my own photos. 

Stay tuned for Part 2 in which we post the other photos from Arta's camera.


  1. You got me. The only difference I could spot was the angle of Arta's face. Does the first capture the laughter of the "spot the difference" idea, and the second the "oh dear, the phone is ringing" thought? I believe it was me who interrupted this photo shoot.

    I love the colours in these Spring photos of Arta in Rebecca, Steven, Alex, Duncan, and Penny's backyard.

  2. Oh where did all the big earrings go?


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