Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Follow the Child’s Lead

The guy who really want to play the game
has to be the one that sets it all out.
Sumin and I are being coached by Bonnie, among other things Bonnie is doing.

 Our coaching is about how to connect with children who don’t seem to be connecting to us. Sumin is trying it out on her baby. I am trying it out on the kids next door.

For example, I want Michael to play dominos with me.

I have a domino book, a new set of 12’s and ways to play domino in solitaire as well as in twos.

I have spent considerable time getting ready for this, and I don’t want to be dissuaded.

On the other hand he doesn’t want to play that.

He wants to play Junior Monopoly - Party (or Chess which would be a nightmare for me).
"I am literally kicking your butt, aren't I, grandmother."

So, following the child’s lead, we play Junior Monopoly. 

Mostly I watch.

He will roll for me, count the spaces that the token should move, and remember to give me $2 when I pass go.

He is so excited to play this game that I don’t have to do much more than watch my own pile of money dwindle as it goes into the Party Box or back to the bank.

I hate following the child’s lead, except for the fact that it gets me all I want and surely, I get more than if he had to follow my lead.

 Oh my gosh.

 There should be a holy scripture citation for “follow the child’s lead”.


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