Saturday, November 17, 2018

The best part of the opera

Rebecca asked me the best part of the opera, Samson and Dalila (Saint Saens). I had to say taking Rhiannon with us was my favorite part.

 She is 10.

Her mom was probably the person in the theatre closest to her age. The rest of the patrons had canes or walked very slowly. It was easy to beat everyone to the bathroom at the break

When they were going full speed there was still lots of room to pass them.

Photo Credit: Met in HD Live website
This is the first event for Rhiannon where she got paid $1 for every question she could answer after the opera was over. In fact, that was the major reason she came.  "Make a little money."

Some of the questions were hard. For example, say the names of the two protagonists, in French. She was also watching for architectural features of the Met (the lights that came about because ink splashed on the original plans), and we wanted her to hear the maestro called to the pit. Mary and I were just laughing, for she also hear the conductor interviewed. We are not sure if she knows it was the same man.

She got the new pebble ice cream at the first intermission and poutine at the second intermission. 

What’s not to like about the opera?

My second favourite thing about the opera was that Rebecca called us to say that she had seen the show as well – with an older crowd. Some of them went to sleep but were happy that when they woke up and the opera was still on. For some reason I identify with them, though I didn't miss a note today.

I loved that second act. Susan Graham call the love duet the national anthem of opera. That was the best musical joke of the opera.

No one could sleep through the third act which was complete with the God of the Israelites bringing down blinding light upon the God Dagon.

A good day for everyone but the Philistines.


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