Monday, November 12, 2018

Family News: Teague Bates

From Teague

I am glad to hear Jr High is working out for Tonia. It definitely wasn’t my bag.

Cheri has been through a ton of apples, all from our tree. We have lots of canned apple juice, fruit leather, apple sauce, etc, ectera.

Nathan is taking courses at the college to try to get into medicine at U of A. He is trying out the dating scene here. It’s a small pond. He’s pretty active in the young adult branch, helping the missionaries as Branch Mission Leader, driving kids to Raymond and Calgary for dances and activities.

Alicia is trying out some doctor-prescribed anxiety medication. She plans to move out in January and is looking for employment. She might get her cleaning job back at the base. She’d like to take the Toronto Film School script-writing program by correspondence and is trying to finish an application. She is still going out with Tommy.

Folks in Calgary know more about Chelsea than we do. She might be coming back here for her practicum. There’s an empty-nester in our ward who just failed his accounting course. When he heard what Chelsea was taking, he said ‘I should have done that!’ Poor guy.

Sabrina is going to NY with the cosmetology class in March. Lots of fundraising ahead. Would anyone like to buy a box of chocolates? JK. She may have a volunteer position in the hospital gift shop. I think this aligns with her career goal – Kinesiology or Physical Therapy or something like that.

Andrew is killing it on online gaming. Hooray! He’s had a phone for about a month and has come to realize that he will not get anywhere trying to afford it on a paper route, so he has decided to cancel. Guess what he plans on doing with his paper route money? Clue – it’s indoors.

I played at our Remembrance Day Ceremony. My poppy fell off and landed in coffee spilled by the trumpet section. I would do anything for my country that doesn’t involve touching a coffee-soaked poppy. Somebody please tell our 3rd trombone player that octaves are not legitimate harmonies. I am too embarrassed, having let it go on so long.

Okay, back to work. See you at Christmas. We have 2 for 1 lift coupons for Castle Mountain, Hidden Valley (here in MH) and Nakiska. Plus, our coupon book has a couple 2 for 1 admissions for the CPO which I would like to use.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Teague, Reading this update on you and your family made feel part of your circle, even if the news is outdated now. I was trying to find you playing your trombone online and this is what my search engine pulled up for me. xo


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