Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Food for St Patrick's Day

3 loaves of bread
When I saw that Moiya had made three loaves of bread for St. Patrick's Day, my first impulse was to match her.

Moiya said she wished that she had remembered
that she could mix colours and get a darker
green colour.  Oh well, maybe next year.
ead at that time.
That is when I remembered it was 9 pm at night and there was no use of starting  bread then.

Remember the days when we would make pink bread for Valentine's Day and green for St. Patrick's Day.

I wonder if our kids loved those sandwiches, or if they just thought we were crazy.

Oh, such great memories of trying to bring happiness to my little house, no matter what the holiday.

Eat up and enjoy. 



  1. I have very strong memories of sandwiches made with pink and green bread. :-). it likely made me the person I am today.

  2. I too remember sandwiches made with green bread. Each bite I would expect the unexpected in flavour, even though if I shut my eyes it tasted no different than the white bread. What a lucky child.

  3. Moiya told some mother that putting spinach in the bread would give it a green colour, a fine way to get spinach into a child.

    MMmmm, I thought, what child watches their mom throw spinach into the bread and then is willing to try the bread, no matter what the glorious colour that has been achieved.

    I can't remember eating any of that bread, only making it.

    My kids prefer artificial food colour in their bread. I like my spinach in a lentil dish with lots of spice.

    And now I have to backtrack. I remember making bread and blending up a cup of vegetables or two, to put in the brown bread. That made it very moist, and very good, I thought.


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