Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Taxes or Blogging?

I have been worrying about getting our family's taxes done.  For many, many years I have not had to file taxes until June because Leo is self-employed.  But now that Leo is in school, we don't have that luxury of procrastinating for a few extra months.

So I wandered the house, gathering all the tax slips and other information I would need, then tried to log onto the on-line tax software that I have used for years.  Not surprisingly, I couldn't remember my password.  But then when I tried to reset the password, I realized the e-mail address associated with my account was no longer in use.  

So I spent a long time trying to find a way to get into my account, or find a phone number to talk to someone to find out how. I've bored you with enough details, but I am happy to say, a solution is on the way, but I won't be able to get into my account until tomorrow morning. 

So what to do instead?  It has been a long time since I put up a blog post and thought the small audience of larch haven readers would be thrilled to hear about how doing taxes is preferable to blogging.  But if you can't do your taxes...  might as well blog.

This post is so boring, it doesn't even deserve a photo. 

1 comment:

  1. Very funny. You made me laugh. Taxes. Yes. So painful. And any photo would compromise a lot of personal information. So glad it is a photoless post. Your identity remains a secret ... for now at least. Mwa ha ha ha.


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