Thursday, March 4, 2021

Clyde Forsberg - Zoom Memorial - 10:00 pm PST March 4

I don't know if I have the timing of this right.  

You will have to check with your own time zone.  

I am going to try to attend at 10 pm tonight.

As far as I can see the link is


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Passcode: 12050403




  1. I am grateful to those who spoke at this memorial. I was moved by the love, humility, and brilliance of the students. I cried when Jon began to speak -- too much Clyde there for me not to feel the loss. I smiled and laughed at the performance.

  2. I, too, was grateful to those who spoke at this memorial. I tried to catch their voices in another post.
    What I couldn't get was the tone, the pitch, the pace, the pause, the tears, all of which is stored somewhere deep in my bones. All I could catch was a few words that I transcribed to represent only black marks on a paper, wishing that they could have captured the whole.


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