Thursday, March 28, 2013

Beware 1/2 Price Easter Snacks

Beware the half-price Easter chocolate that will be upon us soon.  For example, Mary did pretty well last year, not binging on Easter chocolate or buying up all the chocolate on sale after Easter. But it is hard not to buy half price chocolate because to buy it is to eat it.  

Last week she bought 5 of the large sized Cadbury’s chocolate bars because they were on sale for $1 from $3.50.   

A grand saving.  But dangerous if a person is not up to sharing.

There is a down side to having no chocolate in the house.  For example, here are some things I have eaten just because I had to have something tasty:
1. pretzels -- which I hate unless they are chocolate dipped
2. dry Pita Crisps from Costco.  
3. an overripe banana
4. a bowl of a grandchild’s Nesquick cereal – little puffed balls of chocolate that turn white milk into chocolate milk.
5. fruit snacks shaped like Spiderman.
I have changed my mind.  Better to keep an eye out for ½ price Easter candy next week.



  1. the latest snack food i have discovered (well, had forced upon me) is LAVER (aka 'dried seaweed)). it looks pretty much like small pieces of nori (?) that you would use to roll sushi. I was a sceptic, but have discovered that I love it. Strange world. ... and I am pretty sure that it would NOT taste better dipped in chocolate.

  2. Ya, but you like wasabi peas Rebecca. That is not a treat. That is just wrong.


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