Monday, July 16, 2018

Piper Rides a Bike

I met Piper and her grandfather, Glen, along the path today.  They were taking a bike riding trip together.  They stopped at Five Corners to take a taste of the Saskatoon berry bush that is ripe with fruit.  Then Glen told Piper that he would show her his huckleberry bush, so we went down by the hot dog roasting pit to have a few delicious berries.  He told her to leave some for others.  He also showed her how to find berries by lifting the branch up and getting to the cluster that are under the leaves.

Glen was carrying a thimble berrry bush leaf cup in his hand that Piper had filled with thimble berries.  She wasn't in the mood to share anyone, opining that it was a long way off the road to go and pick that fruit. 

Ten steps is a long way.

They left to go home, Glen calling out to her, not using your feet as brakes.  Better with your feet on the pedals.  I don't know if she heard.


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