Saturday, April 25, 2020

Fashion in Times of Covid

Question for the reader?
When someone takes  your picture and
you have your mask on, do you still smile?
I shook my head when I saw her and then I asked Wyona, how is it that she could have a blouse and a face mask matched.

She then pulled out a pillow she made from an expensive dishtowel that she bought in Iceland.

It may have been $52 for that towel.  She had the Icelandic money and had to spend it.  The print on the pillow case was so beautiful she knew she could make it into a pillow.  So here, the back of the pillow also matches the cover she made for her appliance on her left hand.

I do not know where she does all of this.  Just to say, yes, a mask to match her top, a cover to match her pillow and she can still play on-line bridge until past midnight.

Go, Wyona, go.   And thank you for the face mask you made for me.  I will try to match it up to a scarf I already own.



  1. Hi Jane Milner,

    I think it is Wyona who is making you smile. I am only the messenger, but still glad that you could laugh.

  2. Next time before you take a photo, please shut the kitchen cupboard door.

  3. I wouldn't have noticed that the door was open. Now I think it is the door to your spice cupboard that is open. We can see the shelf where you found two bottles of pure vanilla. That is like finding 2 bags of gold! Keep that door open. I am coming over to get one of those bottles of vanilla.


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