Friday, April 10, 2020

The Doctors’ Town Hall Meeting

... a year ago, a fall off of a bike and then giving hugs to Alice ...
 when social distancing was not a concept for us ....
Over the years, what was my doctor's office morphed into a clinic.

When one doctor retires or goes to practise elsewhere,I stay at the clinic and settle in with another practitioner.

Richard and Miranda go to the same clinic, a different doctor.

Now, in this time of health crisis, Crowfoot Village Family Practice (CVFP) invited their patients to a Town Hall Meeting.

I settled in to watch Wednesday , and when it was about half over, Richard slipped over to my house.

He said he had been watching it as well. So we listened together and chatted about how great we think our physicians are to have gathered the FAQ’s, answered them, and then had the sidebar where anyone could send in current comments.

There was one answer that seemed quite definite that came from the session. Someone asked the doctor what he thought about their larger family, gathering together for Easter dinner. Now that suggestion just didn’t make it off the ground. Do not gather together. That message was clear, at least from Crowfoot Village Family Practice.

I was surprised to learn that I can go renew my driver’s licence which is expiring next month. There is a 90-day leeway for my medical certificate to catch up with the renewal of the licence. Renew now, have the physical later. That saved me a visit to the clinic. Perhaps in 90 days the dr.’s office will be open again for real visits. Until then, I am going with virtual moments with my doctor.


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