Thursday, April 15, 2021

80 Things We Love About Arta: 20 Montevideo, Punta Del Este

 Our cruise started in Buenos Aires and then went to Montevideo which is a 2 hr. ferry ride from BA. Our ship departure time was 5 p.m. and we arrived in Montevideo at 6 a.m. the next day. We slept while the ship went in circles. Finding room for 3 of us in 185 sq. ft is an adventure.
Suitcases arrive a few hours after embarking. Arta's pull out couch is by the window but the room attendant thought she would use the pullman bed so he pulled it down for her to sleep. Ahah! Another place to put our clothes. 

As soon as a suitcase is unpacked, Greg puts the empty case under the bed.

Punta Del Este , Uruguay, has a lovely museum, indoor and outdoor, very well kept and as modern as you can find.

Some places in Punta Del Este one can see from one side of the land to the sea on the other side.
Always ready to stop for drinks, ice cream or lunch.
Markets will always be a favorite for Arta and I.
'The Hand' was designed by the sculptor to warn swimmers of the the rough waves. Some people call it 'Man Emerging into Life'.


  1. The first photo looks like a yoga class is underway. I love how your travel team knows how to maximize use of a time space. What a glorious adventure.

  2. Wyona, you posts bring back go many fond memories. Yes, the markets are good. We can still probably each tell the price of everything we bought, where and when. You have have an excellent memory for all we saw, and maybe Greg is helping a bit. Thanks again to him for the pics where he was the photographer. A life dream of my friend Gillian Calder has been to see penguins in their natural settings. I have had many a chance to have the bucket list of others.


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